
207 viewsMy 60 warrior:)

Sasch saying hi from The Venture Co. server-201 views

Gnomeregan the pirate stile-149 views

Saurz-3533 views

Nosaraaj exploring the hidden areas-169 viewstake a good look at where i am and the construction sign :)

a GM and me talking-170 views

Kickass Nomes-189 viewseven some night elves joine din aswell ! :)

Pagor's new Desktop image-168 viewsI captured a flag and never died! WOOHOO! Pagor begged me to post this so he could set it as his desktop image...I worry about him sometimes....

Boring picture...but GREAT teachings!-19340 viewsThis is actually why its important to be in a great guild like Clown...here I am defending Westfalls from Harvesters. Why am I defending Westfall from something that sounds like it harvests? Well mind your own business! Oh, and look at the chat...Farwan is WISE!!

The Hero of Westfall!-152 viewsSee that guy Gryan Stoutmantle? Well he is the big cheese in Westfall, and if you look at the chat he saluting Zeevi for the whole zone to hear! It just does'nt get any cheesier then that. Oh and damn I am one sexy gnome. Hey! Look, Hef is there too! This is just after a tour of Dead Mines.

First steps on New World and Clown Tabbard!-155 viewsMoving on up in the world, new lands DISCOVERED!! And I do mean discovered...just like Christopher Columbus, I have discovered the NEW WORLD! And just like him there happen to be people already living there and a few viking got there a long time ago. Oh, and hey, Mond is there too! Good looking gnomes if I must say so myself.

Pie Vendor!-158 viewsIf you are ever in Iron Forge...go see the pie vendor! Me and Bellanna did! YUM!
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