How To Join Us

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#1: How To Join Us Author: ClownCrier , Location: The Circus Post Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 06:21 PM
How To Join Us

This post contains general information about joining CLOWN in different games.

CLOWN is currently most active in World of Warcraft. It is recommended that you read a bit about CLOWN before applying, but if you want to skip straight to the application form click here if you're applying for the raiding section, and click here if you're applying for the casual section of the guild.

1. Introduction

If you want to join our crazy band of lunies, there are a couple of ways to do it and they depend a lot on what game(s) you play. CLOWN is a gaming society and spans many games so the application process varies from game to game. Read the Enclownopedia forum, and in particular the CLOWN manifesto for some idea of what we're like before applying.

2a. Applying using this forum

This forum provides a way of applying online, and this is the preferred way of applying. For each of the games where there is a significant CLOWN presence, there is a sticky post which should provide details of how to apply. Follow the instructions in the relevant post and post a new message in this forum with your application.

For example, the instructions for joining CLOWN in World of Warcraft are given in this post and the procedure described there should be followed if you are applying to join from that game.

2b. Applying in-game

If there are no sticky posts in this forum describing how to join CLOWN in the game you play, there may be another way of signing up for CLOWN in that game. In this case, if you know some CLOWNs in the game you should message them in-game to ask them how you can join. They should be able to give you advice and instructions.

Please do not send in-game messages to CLOWNs if there is an established way of applying using the forum (see 2a) as it won't be appreciated.

3. What do I need to do to join?

The entry requirements vary from game to game but we're always looking for the following kind of people:

A CLOWN: a) Has fun b) Laughs c) Uses a pie in any thinkable way d) Helps fellow guildmembers e) Helps others in need f) Is polite g) Defends the weak h) Dies with a smile

A CLOWN does not: a) Grief, taunt, mock, trashtalk or harrass other players (enemies or not) b) "Corpse-camp" or "Ress-kill".
We are the "good" guys!

Definitely read the CLOWN Manifesto before deciding whether you want to join or not.

4. My game doesn't have any info but I know you CLOWNs play it!

We may not have enough CLOWNs in the game to require a formal in-game guild. Try posting a message on the relevant game forum and talking to CLOWNs there. If you want to join the guild, arrangements can usually be made.

5. Application Process

As stated earlier the application process varies from game to game and may take some time so please be patient. Usually a number of CLOWNs will post comments about your application before a decision is made. During this time, there may need to be consultation amongst the CLOWNs or the game's CLOWN Council if there is one, and this may take time.

6. I'm a CLOWN who has just set up a CLOWN guild in a new game. What do I do?

Please post some instructions for how to join the new in-game guild in this forum. One of the Circus Administrators will tweak it and make it into a sticky post for you.

7. I'm a CLOWN or Student but I can't vote in polls on this forum!

Please contact an administrator so they can put you in the correct usergroup. This forum doesn't allow non-CLOWNs or non-Students to respond to polls.
Last edited by Adenas on Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:10 AM; edited 8 time in total

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